The office
Although Mr. K. Ramdhan, Mr. K.Y. Ramdhan, and Mr. V.Y. Ramdhan work, in addition to their own trade name, also under the secondary trade name Ramdhan Advocaten, they operate at their own expense and risk. This means that the actions of Mr. K.Y. Ramdhan and Mr. V.Y. Ramdhan are not under the responsibility of Mr. K. Ramdhan. Mr. K. Ramdhan, Mr. K.Y. Ramdhan and Mr. V.Y. Ramdhan are ultimately responsible for their own work. Mr. K. Ramdhan, Mr. K.Y. Ramdhan, and Mr. V.Y. Ramdhan are in no way liable or responsible for the actions of another.
The assignment agreement determines with which law firm an assignment is entered. If the contract for services has been concluded with Mr. K. Ramdhan, the collaboration will be established between the client and Advocatenpraktijk K. Ramdhan with Chamber of Commerce number 34318001. If the assignment for legal services with Mr. K.Y. Ramdhan is agreed upon, then collaboration is established between the client and Advocatenpraktijk K.Y. Ramdhan with Chamber of Commerce number 70650764. If the assignment for legal services with Mr. V.Y. Ramdhan is agreed upon, then collaboration is established between the client and Advocatenpraktijk V.Y. Ramdhan with Chamber of Commerce number 72959096.
Mr. K. Ramdhan, Mr. K.Y. Ramdhan, and Mr. V.Y. Ramdhan have made agreements in the field of cooperation and observation in the event of the temporary and incidental absence of one of the attorneys.
Mr. K. Ramdhan is a specialized criminal defense attorney and member of the Dutch Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys and has registered the following main (and sub) legal areas in the register of legal fields of the Dutch Bar:
- Criminal law;
- Immigration law.
- Criminal law.
- Criminal law;
- Contracting law.
Ramdhan Advocaten provides legal assistance in matters to Surinam for many years. In addition to our legal assistance for companies in Surinam, which have interests in The Netherlands and Europe, we offer legal assistance to companies around the world which are interested to develop business relations in Surinam. Surinam is demographically located at the gate of South-America and the Caribbean, which offers numerous business and economic possibilities. Together we advise you in the event that you intend to do business in or from Surinam. We provide legal assistance with relativity to current and future trades, assist during the matchmaking regarding new business partnerships and we represent legal entities in litigation. Our attorneys will serve you with proper legal services, so your business interest will remain secure.
Latin America
Ramdhan Advocaten also focuses on legal assistance with regard to business and trade relations in Latin America. Due to international, legislative and economic events, Latin America is interesting and attractive not only for tourists, but also for commercial companies. Because of our expertise in international rules and regulations, we can provide you with the necessary knowledge for your orientation on the Latin American market. In the same way, we guide companies throughout the process of investing, how to contact Latin American companies and authorities, to negotiate, to enter into commercial partnerships or other collaborations, to prepare contracts and obtain permits. Ramdhan Advocaten is also available for all companies already established in Latin America.

Togarate (intake and registration): the price of an orientation interview for 30 minutes is free of charge. In case the interview takes more than 30 minutes, the amount of €100,- will be charged per 30 minutes. For an hourly rate indication, see the following:
- the hourly rate regarding interim measures/proceedings: from € 400,-;
- the hourly rate in the case of advice in relation to criminal law and company law: from € 400,-;
- the hourly rate regarding litigation in relation to company law: from € 450,-;
- the hourly rate regarding advice in international commercial law matters: from € 450,-;
- the hourly rate regarding litigation in relation to intellectual property: from € 375,-;
- the hourly rate regarding litigation at the Supreme Court of the Kingdom of the Netherlands due to a criminal case: from € 500,-;
- the hourly rate regarding advice and litigation in relation to personal injury: € from 375,-;
- the hourly rate regarding litigation and advice in relation to other civil law: from €375,-
- the hourly rate regarding litigation and advice in relation to administrative law: from €375,-.
- the hourly rate regarding civil litigation in relation to the childcare benefits scandal: from €375,-.
Instead of charging the hourly rate, the attorney can agree with the client by means of the following paying arrangements:
- Fixed fee: the attorney agrees with the client upon a fixed amount, regardless of the outcome of the case;
- Subsidized legal assistance: the expenses will be covered by the government after the attorney for applied legal aid, excluding the own contribution;
- Personalized rate: depending on the financial capacity of the client, the attorney can adjust the hourly rate up- or downwards;
- High / Low rate: the attorney agrees with the client upon two rates, depending on the outcome of the case. The lower rate at least has to cover the costs of the attorney;
- Annual contract: the attorney agrees with the client upon a paying arrangement regarding a subscription, where the client has to pay a monthly fixed fee;
- Collection fee: the attorney collects a certain percentage of the amount collected on behalf of the client, with a minimum starting fee.
The abovementioned prices do not include 21% VAT and 5% office expenses.

Terms and Conditions

- by e-mail on;
- by phone on the phone number (31)20-6154136;
- by fax on the fax number (31)20-6154485;
- by regular and registered mail to the address Titus van Rijnstraat 141, 1058 GB, in Amsterdam.